TEMA, The Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats
Call for Unity for Land from TEMA Foundation: "Healthy Soil for Healthy Life!"
14.06.2024 Friday
Meaningful Message from TEMA Foundation on World Environment Day: "Our land is ou...
05.06.2024 Wednesday
TEMA Foundation: "Be Part of the Plan" for the protection of biodiversity and sha...
21.05.2024 Tuesday
Children discover the fascinating world of plants through the collaboration betwe...
22.04.2024 Monday
TEMA Foundation: We need forest and water assets for a peaceful world!
22.03.2024 Friday
Call from TEMA Foundation before local elections: We want natural disaster-resist...
12.03.2024 Tuesday
Opinions of experts from around the world and Türkiye: Why is nature education wi...
22.02.2024 Thursday
What happens after mining disasters? TEMA Foundation explained with the example o...
17.02.2024 Saturday
İliç Statement from TEMA Foundation: We do not Want Wild Mining in Our Country
15.02.2024 Thursday
Striking Study from TEMA Foundation: Rubble Waste in Hatay Spreads Poison
05.02.2024 Monday
Grandpa Earth and Grandpa Leaf Commemorated with Longing on the Anniversary of Th...
26.01.2024 Friday
TEMA Foundation Assessed the Environmental Events of 2023
09.01.2024 Tuesday
TEMA Foundation calls for sapling donations in the new year: Each sapling means hope
29.12.2023 Friday
TEMA Foundation: It is the duty of all to protect the land, let Türkiye not becom...
13.11.2023 Monday
JOINT CALL AT CLIMATE FAIR “Take action for the climate”
23.09.2023 Saturday
Artist Buray met with TEMA Foundation volunteers 'We will continue to raise hope'
18.08.2023 Friday
Sezen Aksu will keep the name of Yaşar Gaga alive with a memorial forest
15.08.2023 Tuesday
Don't let a fire spark burn our future, long live our forests!
10.07.2023 Monday
73.4% of our country is in danger of desertification
16.06.2023 Friday
Plastics penetrated to the mother's womb, to human blood!
02.06.2023 Friday
International Day for Biological Diversity: Corals are in danger of extinction
22.05.2023 Monday
TEMA Foundation kept its promise: 7 forests in 7 regions to celebrate the 30th an...
26.04.2023 Wednesday
Call from the TEMA Foundation before the elections: Politics should centre on eco...
12.04.2023 Wednesday
2 months passed since the earthquake: Science should not be overlooked so that ea...
07.04.2023 Friday
Healthy forests, clean water for a healthy life
22.03.2023 Wednesday
TEMA Foundation: Planning studies in the aftermath of the earthquake should be do...
06.03.2023 Monday
We have lost our Grandpa Leaf, a great lover of nature and humans
26.01.2023 Thursday
Hayrettin Karaca commemorated with longing on the third anniversary of his death
20.01.2023 Friday
A snapshot of the environmental incidents of 2022 by the TEMA Foundation
17.01.2023 Tuesday
Support visit to the Akbelen watch from the TEMA Foundation
11.01.2023 Wednesday