TEMA, The Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats

After the environmental disaster occurring in İliç district of Erzincan province, TEMA Foundation shared with the public its study on the pollution caused by the collapse of the mine tailing pond in Şebinkarahisar district of Giresun province (2021). The study, which reveals the long-term damage caused by mining disasters, shows that although Ministry removed toxic waste and time passed, the danger prevails in the region.

TEMA Foundation explained the destruction and possible dangers caused by the environmental disaster in the gold mine in İliç/Erzincan, using the example of the environmental disaster in Şebinkarahisar/Giresun.

On November 18, 2021, there was a collapse on the waste dam wall where the mining waste of the lead, zinc and copper quarry facility operating near Yedikardeş village, Şebinkarahisar district of Giresun, was stored. Thousands of tons of heavy metal-containing chemical waste first flowed into the Darabul Stream and then into the Kelkit Valley. It spread further and reached the Kılıçkaya Dam.

Immediately after the disaster, TEMA Foundation made examinations in the region hit the environmental disaster on November 22, 2021, by taking samples from a total of 9 points, 3 of which were control samples.

Chemical pollution continues

Following the environmental disaster, work was carried out by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change (MoEUCC) to remove the chemical waste flowing from the waste dam to the surrounding fields and water beds. On August 30, 2022, 9 months after the Ministry's work, TEMA Foundation took second samples from the same points and had them analysed.

The work conducted by the TEMA Foundation showed that despite the efforts exerted by the Ministry after the Şebinkarahisar mine disaster, the pollution on natural assets could not be reduced below the threshold, which is supported by reports. As a result of laboratory analyses performed on the samples, although 9 months had passed since the disaster, heavy metals were found to be mostly above the limits.

,Ppm: Parts per million.
Ppm: Parts per million.

Heavy metal pollution in the region poses a 'high cancer risk'

Assessing the analysis results, Ms. Deniz Ataç, Chairperson of the TEMA Foundation said, “These results show that nature is polluted with toxic chemicals and there is still toxic waste at a level that threatens all living things in the ecosystem, and that there is a 'significant' cancer risk for adults and a 'high cancer risk' for children. Moreover, the experts who conducted the study state that the pollution and cancer risk in the region will continue for many years. The incident in Şebinkarahisar district shows that the same incidences will occur in İliç district and that the threat to the ecosystem and public health will continue for a long time."

 “If the necessary arrangements are not made, the disaster in İliç will not be the last of its kind”

Ataç summarised the steps to be taken as follows, “Legal regulations should be made to protect all natural assets, especially soil, agriculture, drinking and utility water basins, and residential areas from mining activities. Environmental legislation should be revised, and ‘Environmental Impact Assessment Not Required’ provisions applicable to Group IV. Mining Activities in particular should be removed from the legislation. This exceptional right should be annulled for mining enterprises that are exempt from EIA processes which are established before the EIA legislation came into force. The frequency of inspection and monitoring-evaluation actions on mining activities should be increased and shared with the public in a transparent manner. In addition, occupational health and safety inspections should be increased in existing facilities and workers' right to life should be protected. MoEUCC must employ a sufficient number of personnel with expertise in order to run the inspection and permit processes effectively. In addition, the Ministry's management staff should be composed of areas of expertise that will primarily focus on the environment, not on urbanism."

Ataç concluded her remarks by saying, “The Law on Areas Closed on Mining Operations should be passed by the Assembly and put into force immediately. Unfortunately, if the necessary legal regulations are not made, disasters in mines operating with the leaching method will never cease."

Heavy Metal Population Report of Şebinkarahisar Environmental Disaster: https://bit.ly/Agir-Metal-Kirliligi-Raporu

Şebinkarahisar Mine Tailing Pond Environmental and Human Health Risk Analysis Assessment Report: https://bit.ly/Maden-Atik-Baraji-Risk-Analizi-Degerlendirme-Raporu

We are raising hope!                                                                          TEMA Foundation

