TEMA, The Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats

The Climate Fair, organised in partnership with TEMA Foundation and Çankaya Municipality to raise awareness about the climate crisis within the scope of the "Global Climate Strike", took place on Saturday, September 23. At the fair, everyone, especially decision makers, were urged to "Take action for the climate".

More than 20 non-governmental organisations carrying out climate and environmentally friendly activities took part in the fair held in İnönü Park, located in Birlik neighbourhood of Çankaya district of Ankara. Speaking at the fair, Mr. Serhan Sarıkaya, Çankaya Municipality Deputy Director of Culture and Social Affairs said, “This world belongs to us, this world belongs to all of us. We are happy to continue our work for a greener world with all our directorates, units, employees and TEMA Foundation, especially the Climate Change and Zero Waste Directorate. It is possible to create a society that becomes increasingly aware of the climate crisis caused by the environmental disasters brought about by the globalising industrial sector, takes action and strives for a green world, and to leave a livable world to future generations."

“Take action for the climate”

Ms. Eylem Tuncaelli, TEMA Foundation Environmental Policies and International Relations Department Head, said, “As you know, our planet is struggling with various ecological problems, from the depletion of the ozone layer to the loss of our fertile lands, from land destruction to plastic pollution, from loss of biodiversity to devastating deforestation, from drought to air pollution. These are not the problems of just one of us or just a few regions or countries. These are the problems of the whole earth, the problem of all of us, the problem of the continuity of life”. Emphasising the need to take action for the climate as soon as possible, Ms. Tuncaelli said, “If we do not start doing something right now, future generations will suffer the worst consequences of the climate crisis. Carbon dioxide gas, which disrupts the balance of our atmosphere and causes global temperature increases, mixes into our atmosphere mostly due to fossil fuels. Fossil fuels do not only do this, in our country specifically, our forests such as Akbelen are being destroyed for coal, our lands and soils are destroyed. For this very reason, we emphasise that we need to start working to quit fossil fuels and create clean and renewable energy sources instead, and we say 'climate action right now'."

 “Workshops offered both joyful moments and raised awareness”

Throughout the fair, workshops were held at the stands, attracting the attention of everyone, all the world and his wife. At the stands established by TEMA Foundation, 4 workshops for children with the themes of "Let's get to know climate change", "Say stop to climate change!", "Messages to adults" and "We design for the climate" were held. In addition, non-governmental organisations with stands at the fair drew attention to the climate crisis and raised awareness about environmental protection with the workshops they organised. Fair participants danced in the Body Percussion event that took place after the workshops. The fair ended with the concerts of artists Alaz Pesen and Çağrı Çetinsel.

We are raising hope!                                                                           TEMA Foundation
