TEMA, The Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats

Sezen Aksu, one of leading valuable artists of Türkiye, created a memorial forest of 5 thousand saplings in Kırklareli Celaliye field, through the TEMA Foundation, in memory of her colleague Yaşar Gaga, who passed away in 2018. Oak saplings were planted in the field established in cooperation with the General Directorate of Forestry and TEMA Foundation.

In 2008, Sezen Aksu donated 4 thousand saplings to Antalya Döşemealtı Memorial Forest through the TEMA Foundation in the names of valuable music people Şerif Kaptanoğlu, Onno Tunç and Uzay Heparı, and she donated 5 thousand saplings to Manisa Salihli Gökköy Memorial Forest by allocating some proceeds of her concerts throughout 2013. In addition, Sezen Aksu donated 5000 saplings each in 2015, to Balıkesir Kepsut in memory of songwriter Aysel Gürel; in 2018 to Denizli Çal and Sundurlu in memory of Adile Naşit; in 2019 to Tekirdağ Kızılcaterzi in memory of Meral Okay; in 2021 to Gaziantep Atmalı fields in memory of Attila Özdemiroğlu, and she donated 6 thousand saplings in 2022 to Kırklareli Osmancık field in memory of Oğuz Aral. Along with the field established in memory of Yaşar Gaga, the number of saplings planted in 8 different forests in total created with the contributions of Sezen Aksu reached 40 thousand.

We would like to thank TEMA Foundation volunteer Sezen Aksu for her contributions to afforestation, fight with erosion and protection of natural assets with the memorial forests created with her donations.

We are raising hope!                                                                           TEMA Foundation
