TEMA, The Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats

On May 22, on the occasion of International Day for Biological Diversity, TEMA Foundation invited all individuals to take action to protect biological diversity and emphasized the importance of cooperation between civil society, public and private sectors. Ms. Deniz Ataç, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of TEMA Foundation, said, "Each day, the natural assets that make our planet livable deplete. The loss of biodiversity is one of the biggest crises facing humanity. Now is the time for change, we have to take responsibility." She listed the steps to be taken to protect biological diversity.

This year's theme of International Day for Biological Diversity Day, celebrated every year on May 22 by the United Nations (UN), was determined as "Be Part of the Plan".

Stating that protecting biological diversity, which is the basic component of ecosystems, means protecting air, water and food, in short, all life, TEMA Foundation emphasized that the small contributions of each individual will yield great results when combined and that it is time to take action together. Ms. Deniz Ataç, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of TEMA Foundation, said that all life on Earth is interdependent and added, "As a result of human activities, the decrease in biodiversity has reached 68% from 1970 to the present day. However, it is possible to reverse this alarming picture. We can achieve this by consuming less, avoiding waste, restoring, transforming, sharing, reducing waste, avoiding the use of chemicals that pollute nature, protecting the climate, reducing our footprint in nature, uniting in the protection of natural areas and above all, increasing our awareness. The actions we take mean that we protect not only today but also our future."

1 million species in the world are endangered

Stating that the main reasons for biodiversity loss are climate change, environmental pollution, invasive species, damage to forest and meadow-pasture lands and excessive exploitation of these lands, Ataç said, "Today, 75% of the land, excluding glacial areas, is under the influence of human activities. According to research, 70% of the loss of biodiversity on land is attributed to agricultural activities, and it is stated that agricultural activities account for the extinction of 24,000 endangered species. On the other hand, 33% of the food produced is unfortunately wasted. There is an area of 245,000 km2 in the seas and oceans where almost all of the life has been destroyed. In addition, 66% of the seas have been affected by pollution and fishing. The Marmara Sea, where sea snot (mucilage) pollution has occurred in Türkiye in recent years, is one example of this."

Underlining that 1 million species in our world are in danger of extinction, Deniz Ataç said, "The welfare of humanity depends on the services provided by ecosystems. Today, 50% of the global economy is based on natural assets. Therefore, urgent action must be taken to solve this problem which poses a threat to the life of all living things. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve 35 of the 44 targets under the relevant headings of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals."

"Protecting biodiversity is a universal responsibility"

Stating that Türkiye is one of the important regions with its topography and climate diversity, as well as being a bridge between continents, surrounded by seas on three sides, Deniz Ataç said, “Türkiye is one of the rare countries in the world with three different plant geographies. 32% of the plant species in our country, that is, approximately 3,700 species, grow only in Türkiye. In addition, while the rate of protected areas in terrestrial ecosystems worldwide is 17%, this rate is 14% in Türkiye. It is aimed to increase this rate to 30% in the world by 2030. In order to protect the richness we have, protected areas need to be increased. For example, many important natural areas with high biodiversity have not been put under protection yet."

Underlining that the protection of our nature and biodiversity is a universal responsibility, Ataç said, "Loss of biodiversity is one of the biggest crises facing humanity. It is time for change, we have to assume responsibility. This year's theme, the call 'Be Part of the Plan' emphasizes that all people should take steps to protect biodiversity. In fact, everyone should take steps to show their determination to protect biodiversity, with the collaboration of civil society, public and private sectors. This was also underlined in the Kunning-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework set in 2022."

Stating that the richness of biological diversity is of vital importance to ensure the quality of life of future generations and the sustainability of our planet, Ataç said, "We should not forget that, as our Founding Honorary President, our Grandpa Leaf, the deceased A. Nihat Gökyiğit, always stated, 'What keeps the incredible order of the universe in balance is biological diversity.’ We, as TEMA Foundation, would like to remind once again how vital it is to protect biological diversity in our country with the A. Nihat Gökyiğit Biological Diversity Project, and we call on everyone to take responsibility to protect biological diversity."

We are raising hope!                                                                  TEMA Foundation                     
