TEMA, The Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats

Throughout 2023, we have faced various ecological problems both in Türkiye and around the world. Erosion and soil loss, decreased food security, water stress, climate crisis and the floods it creates, decrease in biodiversity, deforestation and destruction of protected areas are among the major events. Türkiye was hit by major earthquakes and faced their consequences. In addition, coal-based energy policies and Group 4 mining activities have caused serious damage to the natural assets in Türkiye. Spatial planning in urban and rural areas that are not in harmony with nature and increasing construction pressures have brought the deterioration of ecological balance to an even more critical level.

Throughout the year, there were positive as well as negative developments on the environmental agenda. TEMA Foundation, which continues its work for nature, assessed the prominent good and bad environmental events of 2023.

Promising Environmental News of 2023

Good News from Murat Mountain

EIA process of the Yıldız Gold-Silver Mine project, planned to be built in Gediz District of Kütahya, halted once again after the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change made a negative EIA decision. Upon the reaction of citizens, local governments and professional chambers against the project with the slogan "Let Murat Mountain not be Destroyed", Murat Mountain, an important water and tourism resource of the region, revived.

Good News from Alpu/Eskişehir

Eskişehir 1st Administrative Court annulled the EIA positive decision of the thermal power plant project to be built in the Eskişehir Great Plain Protected Area. The Environmental Plan, which allowed the construction of the Alpu Thermal Power Plant Project, was cancelled by court decision as a result of the application by TEMA Foundation. With the cancellation of the positive EIA decision for the project, we, as the TEMA Foundation, are happy that an important agricultural protected area is protected.

In the decision of the court, it was mentioned that treating the water distribution and discharge lines to be constructed from Gökçekaya Dam to the facility for the cooling water of the coal mine and the coal-fired power plant, as described in the EIA report, as separate activities is not a scientific approach; the project was not evaluated holistically, and an integrated approach was not employed in calculating the waste amounts. The decision also stated that the data used in air quality modelling was unclear and underlined that no study had been conducted on how the ash storage area of the power plant would affect the groundwater quality.

As TEMA Foundation, we continue to raise hope with these two consecutive decisions that protect Eskişehir's natural assets and agricultural lands!

COP28 decision to implement the Loss Damage Fund and the first step to transition away from fossil fuels

Two important developments took place at the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, which took place in Dubai between November 30 – December 13. Countries largely responsible for greenhouse gas emissions have pledged to provide approximately $800 million in financing under the Loss Damage Fund to cover the damages of people who deeply feel the effects of the climate crisis. However, the amount required to cover losses and damages is estimated to be billions of dollars annually. In the decision to implement the fund, the necessity of conducting a study to calculate the amount of loss and damage was not included.

The decision to temporarily establish the secretariat for the fund within the World Bank, instead of an independent authority, also caused reaction among civil society as it is important for the secretariat to be independent so that communities and countries that need access to resources can benefit from the fund fairly. While the Loss and Damage Fund should be organised in the form of a grant, the World Bank is an organisation that finances fossil fuels and has debt-based policies.

The second important step taken at COP28 was the decision announced as a result of the Global Stocktake (GST). The phrase "transition away from fossil fuels" was included in the text of the decision. Although this is the first step towards phasing out fossil fuels, it is not enough because it does not include a clear target.

On the other hand, there have also been positive developments at the conference such as the commitment to triple renewable energy by 2030 and the joining of many states to the Powering Past Coal Alliance (PPCA). However, Türkiye’s failure to take part in these processes by not being a signatory to these documents has taken its place among the negative environmental agendas for nature.

Negative Environmental News of 2023

We were deeply moved by the Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes

On February 6, 2023, Türkiye was hit by earthquakes with a magnitude of 7.8 and 7.5, respectively, whose epicenters were Pazarcık and Elbistan districts of Kahramanmaraş province. The earthquake was felt intensely in the surrounding provinces, especially in Adana, Adıyaman, Diyarbakır, Elazığ, Kahramanmaraş, Kilis, Gaziantep, Hatay, Osmaniye, Malatya and Şanlıurfa. According to official figures, the disaster claimed the lives of at least 50 thousand 783 people, and more than 122 thousand people were injured in Türkiye as a result of the earthquakes.

The destruction and reconstruction process that occurred as a result of earthquakes had many negative effects on the environment and social life. The basic needs of earthquake victims in the region, such as shelter, access to clean food and water, still remain urgent. We reiterate that location selection must be made carefully to ensure that our olive groves, forests and agricultural areas are not destroyed in new mass housing projects.

Rubbles containing asbestos, heavy metals and many other harmful components dumped near agricultural areas, olive groves, seashores and water resources will create significant problems for both the environment and public health.

As TEMA Foundation, we remind once again that since we are a country in the earthquake zone, it is vital to take the necessary measures against earthquakes, implement disaster management plans and develop rubble management plans.

We have entered the era of global boiling

The World Meteorological Organization and the Copernicus Earth Observation Program announced that July was the hottest month ever recorded. Thereupon, the United Nations announced that this situation was just the beginning of the climate crisis and that we are no longer in the Era of Global Warming but in the Era of Global Boiling. The frequency and severity of heat waves are increasing in Türkiye and around the world. Scientists emphasise that the main reason for disasters such as forest fires, sudden rains and floods is the climate crisis caused by greenhouse gases resulting from human activities.

Mines are not more valuable than our living spaces

Group 4 mining activities, which cause irreversible damage to protected areas, forest areas, water basins, productive agricultural lands and living spaces, constitute more serious threats each and every day. With the studies on mining licenses we carried out as TEMA Foundation, we determined that an average of 67% of the 29 provinces in Türkiye are licensed to Group IV mines.

Distribution of mining licenses by provinces is as follows: Gümüşhane 93%, Kütahya 92%, Giresun 85%, Rize 82%, Uşak 80%, Çanakkale-Balıkesir (Mount Ida) 79%, Trabzon 77%, Ordu 74%, Zonguldak-Bartın 72%, Artvin 71%, Eskişehir % 71, İzmir 70%, Bayburt 65%, Sivas 65%, Tekirdağ-Kırklareli 65%, Erzurum 63%, Muğla 59%, Kahramanmaraş 58%, Afyonkarahisar 52%, Erzincan-Tunceli 52%, Tokat 46%, Karaman 38% and Siirt-Şırnak-Batman 34%.

As TEMA Foundation, we urge that vital areas be closed to mining operations by law in order to protect our natural assets, food security and cultural values.

Mine accidents claimed lives again

According to the information shared with  the public; 1 mine worker die in the accident that occurred due to landslide in the mine in Soma district of Manisa province on 8 June; 1 in the accident that occurred as a result of the ceiling collapse in the mine in Karadeniz Ereğli district of Zonguldak province on 13 September, 2 in the accident that occurred in Karaismailler neighbourhood of Acıpayam district of Denizli province on 15 November, and 3 in the collapse accident that occurred in the chrome mine in Şirvan district of Siirt province on 23 November. In total, 7 mine workers lost their lives in the accidents.

Agricultural land destroyed in Yalova province despite the court decision

In 2020, we won the lawsuit we filed for the cancellation of the Ministry Approval for the non-agricultural use permit for the industrial facility planned to be established on agricultural land in Taşköprü town of Çiftlikköy district of Yalova province. In the court decision it was emphasised that the land in question is absolute agricultural land and that there are alternative areas for the planned investment in the relevant real estate.

Subsequently, the company and the ministry appealed to this result, but the court did not accept the appeal request and validated the annulment decision. Additionally, the decision was approved by the Council of State. Unfortunately, despite our legal victory, investments on agricultural land started without waiting for the court outcome, and this caused the absolute agricultural land there to lose its quality. Required legal steps will be taken to enforce the decision.

Water crisis exacerbates

The water crisis is deepening due to increasing temperatures, evaporation and drought because of climate crisis. According to the data measured in September this year, the occupancy rates of İstanbul dams have reached their lowest levels since 2014. The average dam occupancy rate, measured as 56.88% on September 5, 2022, dropped to 27.88% on September 5, 2023, 1 year later.

As TEMA Foundation, we emphasise once again how important it is to protect water resources and use water efficiently by preventing water waste, as we feel the effects of the climate crisis more and more each and every day.

No to nuclear power plants

Unfortunately, efforts to establish a nuclear power plant in Türkiye continue unabated. While the construction of the first unit of the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant, attempted be put into operation in Mersin despite all objections, has come to an end, actions continue in the region for the nuclear power plant planned to be established in Sinop, despite the lawsuits filed.

As TEMA Foundation, we filed a lawsuit requesting the cancellation of Sinop-Kastamonu-Çankırı Planning Region 1/100,000 Scale Environmental Plan Amendment and the Sinop Central District Planning Sub-Region 1/25,000 Scale Environmental Plan Amendment (Sinop Nuclear Power Plant) and a stay of execution decision. Both are addressed by the Council of State, and the trial continues. Detection studies have started in the Thrace Region for the third nuclear power plant.

As TEMA Foundation, we remind once again that our energy needs should be met through "energy efficiency and clean energy technologies" and call upon all decision makers to favour life.

We are not doomed to flood disasters

In 2023, we have witnessed floods, whose frequency is increasing due to the impact of the climate crisis, caused by sudden and heavy rains in Türkiye and in the world.

In Southeastern Türkiye, due to the floods that especially affected Adıyaman and Şanlıurfa, 21 people lost their lives and 3 thousand 154 houses were damaged on March 15. The fact that floods occurred in the same regions after the devastating effects of the February 6 earthquakes made the effects of the destruction even more severe. Many earthquake tents and containers were flooded, and homeless earthquake victims were evacuated from the tents.

On September 5, 8 citizens lost their lives due to the flood disaster that occurred due to heavy rains in İstanbul and Kırklareli provinces.

A total of 8 people died in Batman, Zonguldak and Diyarbakır provinces due to the flood disaster on November 20, and 1 person from the crew died on the ship that sank due to the severe storm in the Blacksea.

On December 10, 2 people lost their lives in the landslide disaster that occurred as a result of the heavy rain in Asma District in Zonguldak province.

In the world, unfortunately, "Storm Daniel" hit the east of Libya on September 10. It caused floods in the cities of Benghazi, Beyda, Marj, Suse and Derna. The World Health Organization announced that the death toll reached 4 thousand 333. In the flood-affected areas in the east of the country, 70 percent of the infrastructure was damaged.

As TEMA Foundation, we emphasise once again that adaptation measures must be taken against extreme weather events brought about by the climate crisis.

A forest area at the size of approximately 4,500 football pitches burned in Çanakkale

In Çanakkale in the summer of 2023, the forest fire that broke out near Kızılkeçili Village on July 16 destroyed 1,300 hectares, and the forest fire that broke out near Kayadere Village on August 22 destroyed 2,100 hectares. A total of 3,400 hectares of forest, approximately the size of 4,500 football pitches, was burned.

As TEMA Foundation, we started a sapling donation campaign to reforest the areas damaged by the forest fires in Çanakkale, saying "we will make life and hope grow again together."

Forest fires claimed life and caused loss of property

In total 6 staff of the General Directorate of Forestry unfortunately lost their lives during forest fires; 3 was working in the forest fires in the Menderes district of İzmir in September 2023, 1 in Kütahya, 1 in Gaziantep and 1 in the forest fires in the Menderes district of İzmir in July.

Nature watch continues in Akbelen

They want to destroy Akbelen Forest, located in İkizköy village, Milas district of Muğla, in order to extract coal for Yeniköy-Kemerköy thermal power plants. Citizens of İkizköy village have been on guard duty to protect their olives, forests and the life of all nature for more than 2 years. However, despite all the efforts of İkizköy residents and environmentalists, mining operations began in the region after the tree cutting started on July 24.

After the Muğla 1st Administrative Court rejected the license cancellation case filed against the enterprise that received a mining operating permit until 2041, İkizköy residents and life advocates applied to the court of appeal through their lawyers. In the application made to the İzmir Regional Court of Justice, it was requested to suspend the execution of the mining operating license and operating permit.

Phaselis ancient city should be protected

A beach project is planned to be carried out in Alacasu Bay in the north and Bostanlık Bay in the south of the Phaselis Ancient City, which is located in Kemer district of Antalya province. Phaselis is a first degree archaeological site. The construction activities of the project, which includes daily facilities such as cafeteria, parking lot, welcome centre, showers and toilets, are about to be completed despite the court's stay of execution decision. We urge that the activities carried out be halted and the region be protected so that living life and biological diversity are not affected, and cultural assets and natural areas are not destroyed!

 We are raising hope!                                                                    TEMA Foundation
