TEMA, The Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats

…Forest is the foundation of the country

It is the ancestor of generations

It is the root of every type of art

Look at the asset in forest…

…Soil is generous in each and every aspect

Soil does not do any wrong to anyone

…Just work for the soil.

Âşık Veysel, one of the valuable poets of our country, saw soil, one of the subjects he focuses on the most in his poems, as a mother who stand by all living things from birth to death, as the one feeding, protecting and transforming them. We want to listen to the great poet who lives the love of the land wholeheartedly with his instrument and words.

Âşık Veysel, who died in 1973 at the age of 79 and covered the themes of tolerance, love, brotherhood, unity, solidarity, patriotism and nature in his poems, was deemed worthy of the Presidential Culture and Arts Grand Prize in the "Loyalty" category in 2022. In addition, in order to commemorate the valuable artist in Türkiye and abroad, it was declared by the Presidential Circular that 2023 would be the "Year of Âşık Veysel".

As TEMA Foundation, we are creating the "Âşık Veysel Memorial Forest" by launching a donation campaign in the Year of Âşık Veysel, which also marks the 50th anniversary of the death of Âşık Veysel, who always emphasised the importance of soil in our lives and talked about the love of soil and forests in many of his poems.

The memorial forest, which will be created with the contributions of our donors, will come to life with 2,000 saplings in his birthplace, Sivrialan village in Şarkışla district of Sivas province.

We commemorate the great poet Âşık Veysel, who wanted to instil in everyone that we should protect nature in this world where we exist with soil, that everyone's origin is soil and that they will return to their essence, and that we should always remember the love of unity and solidarity as children of the soil, with respect, love and gratitude, and we invite you to donate for the Aşık Veysel Memorial Forest.

We are raising hope!                                                                           TEMA Foundation
